About Me
I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (by courtesy) at NCSU. Before joining NCSU, I received my PhD in Computer Science from Arizona State University in 2019, supervised by Dr. Guoliang Xue. I received my BS in Computer Science from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2013. I was also a Research Assistant Intern at Tsinghua University from 2012 to 2013, supervised by Dr. Dan Li.
I am actively looking for self-motivated PhD students to conduct research on quantum networks, Internet-of-Things, edge computing, network security, machine learning, and the blockchain! If you are interested in my research below, please see my Students page for information on contacting me regarding research opportunities.
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News [show less]
- [2/2025] Our two papers on CPS functional-timing safety verification were accepted by ACM HSCC 2025 and IEEE RTAS 2025 respectively, both to be held during the 2025 CPS-IoT Week in Irvine, USA. Congratulations to all collaborators!
- [1/2025] Our paper on cost-efficient quantum networking was accepted by IEEE QCNC 2025, to be held in Nara, Japan. Congratulations to Huayue, Zhouyu, and all!
- [12/2024] Our paper on ML model adaptation for Earth observation satellites was accepted by IEEE PerCom 2025, to be held in Washington DC, USA. This paper proposes the first satellite-ground model retraining and adaptation workflow for dynamic Earth observation tasks enabled by flexible in-orbit ML pipelines. Congratulations to Zhouyu, and all!
- [12/2024] Our paper on satellite-based quantum network was accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2025 (AR: 272/1458=18.7%) [arXiv], to be held in London, UK. This paper presents a fully passive optics-based satellite quantum network architecture with lightpath provisioning, with potentially significant rate advantages and low cost over existing architectures. Congratulations to Huayue, and all!
- [12/2024] Our recent survey on quantum network testbeds was accepted by Elsevier Progress in Quantum Electronics [Link]. This paper provides a comprehensive review of major quantum network testbeds, experiments and future plans worldwide, and projects pathways towards building a global Quantum Internet. Congratulations to Prof. Jianqing Liu, and all collaborators!
- [12/2024] Honored to be awarded the IEEE TNSE Excellent Editor Award in 2024. Very happy to continue serving this excellent community! [Link]
- [9/2024] Our grant proposals on (i) hybrid continuous-discrete variable quantum networks [link], (ii) democratizing wireless access [link], and (iii) robust intelligence for new spectrum market [link] were funded by NSF. Great thanks to NSF for the generous support!
- [8/2024] Our paper on high-fidelity entanglement distribution was accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. This paper presents the first fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for high-fidelity remote entanglement distribution in an optical quantum repeater network. Congratulations to Huayue, Zhouyu, and all!
- [7/2024] Our paper on data-oriented attacks in Earth observation constellations was accepted by IEEE ICNP 2024 (AR: 50/205=24.4%), to be held in Charleroi, Belgium. This paper presents a novel type of data-oriented attack targeting in-space data storage and communication based on unique orbital dynamics and data generation patterns. Congratulations to Xiaojian, and all!
- [7/2024] Our paper on payment hub pricing was accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2024. Congratulations to all collaborators!
- [7/2024] Our work-in-progress (WIP) paper on real-time cyber-physical system verification was accepted to be presented at MEMOCODE 2024 in Raleigh. Congratulations to all!
- [7/2024] Glad to be serving on the technical program committee of ACM Mobihoc 2024, IEEE GLOBECOM 2024, and IEEE QCE 2024 Poster Track.
- [3/2024] Congratulations to Xiaojian for receiving (sharing) the 2024 CSC Outstanding Research Award, along with Kara Schatz!
- [3/2024] Congratulations to Zijun for successfully defending his Master's thesis on microservice performance profiling and uncertainty quantification!
- [3/2024] Our paper on LLM fine-tuning on text-attributed graphs was accepted by WWW LLMs4Graph Workshop. Congratulations to all!
- [2/2024] Glad to start serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE) journal.
- [2/2024] Glad to be serving on the technical program committee of IEEE DCOSS-IoT 2024.
- [1/2024] Honored to be elected as a Distinguished TPC Member for IEEE INFOCOM 2024. Thanks, peers!
- [12/2023] Our papers on (i) verifiable edge SLA and (ii) virtual payment channel construction were accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2024 (AR: 256/1307=19.6%), to be held in Vancouver, Canada. Congratulations to Xiaojian, and all!
- [10/2023] Our paper on blockchain payment channel network routing was accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Congratulations to Xiaojian and all!
- [10/2023] Our paper on low-latency MPTCP in data center network was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communications. Congratulations to all!
- [9/2023] Our paper on biometric authenticaion and key agreement was accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Congratulations to all!
- [8/2023] Glad to be serving as a General Co-Chair (along with Gürkan Solmaz from NEC Labs Europe) for IEEE IPCCC 2024 to be held in Orlando, Florida, USA.
- [7/2023] Our paper on entanglement purification optimization was accepted by IEEE QCE. Congratulations to all!
- [7/2023] Our paper on quantum queue analysis was accepted by ACM SIGCOMM QuNet Workshop. Congratulations to Zhouyu and all!
- [6/2023] Our paper on trust-based vehicular blockchain was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Congratulations to all!
- [4/2023] Our papers on (i) quantum entanglement flow scheduling [arXiv], (ii) vehicular video privacy preservation, and (iii) edge computing market design were accepted by IEEE ICCCN 2023, to be held in Hawaii, Honolulu. Congratulations to Huayue, Zhouyu, and all!
- [4/2023] Our paper on packet scheduling in mobile MPTCP was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Congratulations to all!.
- [4/2023] My students Huayue and Zhouyu are invited to give a talk on their high-fidelity entanglement distribution (FENDI) work at the CQN/UMass Quantum Network Science Seminar, featuring an audience from UMass, Yale, MIT, U. Arizona, UC Santa Cruz and UConn. Video may be available later. Congratulations to Huayue and Zhouyu for gaining visibility of their research.
- [3/2023] I am serving as a TPC Co-Chair for IEEE IPCCC 2023 to be held in Anaheim, California, USA. Please consider submitting your original research paper to IPCCC 2023. The paper registration deadline is June 15, 2023.
- [3/2023] I have started serving as an Area Editor for the Elsevier Computer Networks journal.
- [3/2023] Our new paper on entanglement flow scheduling is now available on arXiv. The manuscript
is currently under reviewhas been accepted to IEEE ICCCN 2023. - [1/2023] Our new paper on high-fidelity entanglement distribution is now available on arXiv. The manuscript is currently under review.
- [11/2022] Our paper on edge application-network co-design was accepted by IEEE Network Magazine. Congratulations to all!
- [11/2022] Glad to give a virtual talk at the IBM Back to School Seminar Series (first seminar in the series after COVID-19). The topic was on "Disentangling and Entangling Networked Distributed Systems: Edge-Cloud, AI and Quantum".
- [9/2022] I am serving as a Track TPC Co-Chair for IEEE ICCCN 2023 to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- [8/2022] Our paper on quantum network topology design was accepted by IEEE Network Magazine. Congratulations to all!
- [8/2022] Our paper on Byzantine-robust federated learning was accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2022. Congratulations to Fangtong and all!
- [5/2022] I am serving as a TPC member and the Web Co-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2023 to be held in New York area, USA.
- [4/2022] We are recruiting undergraduate students for research related to a funded NSF project. Please see Project Website for details. Selected students can receive CSC 498/499 credit hours, and/or NSF REU funding if eligible.
- [4/2022] Congratulations to Jin Choi who will join the NYU MS in DS program after graduating from NC State!
- [4/2022] Congratulations to Laxmi Aishwarya Thela for her full-time job offer from Microsoft, and to Ramya Sai Mullapudi for her full-time job offer from Meta!
- [2/2022] I am serving as the General Vice Co-Chair for IEEE IPCCC 2022 to be held in Austin, Texas.
- [2/2022] I was elected as a Distinguished TPC Member for IEEE INFOCOM 2022. Thanks, peers!
- [1/2022] Our paper on pricing analysis for payment channel hubs was accepted by IEEE ICC 2022. Congratulations to Xiaojian and all!
- [1/2022] Our paper on edge resource auction was accepted by IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal. Congratulations to all!
- [11/2021] I am serving as the TPC Co-Chair for PerAI-6G workshop, co-located with IEEE INFOCOM 2022.
- [8/2021] Our paper on robust microservice provisioning was accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2021. Congratulations to all!
- [8/2021] I am serving as a TPC member for EAI MONAMI 2021 to be held online and in-person in Chiba, Japan.
- [5/2021] I am serving as a TPC member and the Web Co-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2022 to be held in London, United Kingdom.
- [3/2021] I am serving as a Guest Editor of IEEE OJ-CS Special Section on Emerging Techniques for Future Smart Cities after COVID-19.
- [3/2021] I am honored to receive the NSF CAREER Award for research on application-network edge resource provisioning. Thanks to NSF!
- Our paper on blockchain payment network security was accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2021 (AR: 252/1266=19.9%). Congratulations to all!
- Our grant proposal on robust SLA guarantees in mobile edge computing was funded by NSF. Thanks to NSF!
- I will continue to serve as the Workshop Co-Chair for IEEE IPCCC 2021 to be held in Austin, Texas.
- I am serving as a TPC member for IEEE INFOCOM 2021 to be held in Vancouver, Canada.
- I am serving as the Workshop Co-Chair for IEEE IPCCC 2020 to be held in Austin, Texas.
- Our paper on edge resource provisioning was accepted by ACM Mobihoc 2020 (AR: 30/195=15%). Congratulations to all!
- Our paper on anonymous reputation system was accepted by IEEE CNS 2020 (AR: 43/151=28%). Congratulations to all!
- I was elected as a Distinguished TPC Member for IEEE INFOCOM 2020. Thanks, peers!
Vision My research goal is to design and build high-performance, robust and usable systems for modern smart and connected communities, including smart homes, intelligent cities, and everything in between and beyond. Challenges exist in dimensions including scale, heterogeneity, reliability, security and usability, and my research focuses on developing techniques against them stemming from the Internet-of-Things, cloud and edge computing, wireless and mobile networks, security and privacy, data analytics and machine learning, network economics, the blockchain, and quantum networks. The complexity of modern intelligent systems is enormous, but because of this the possibilities for research are infinite!
Methodology Typical Computer Science research (in most areas) divides into two categories: systems and theory. Systems research focuses on building actual systems or components of a system in seek for practical enhancement over the state-of-the-arts, while theoretical research is meant to abstract systems with mathematical modeling to reflect, generalize, optimize, and explore the limits of, what an actual system can achieve. Since both are eventually to serve the applications that can benefit our world in the end, I am interested in pursuing not the divided efforts in either, but the combined research of both theory and systems for the joint good of both. I call it Research on Integrated Theory And Systems (RITAS).
Toolset My research toolset has been developed around the core of RITAS. On the theory side, I am proficient with modeling, optimization, and algorithm design. These include (but are not limited to) linear programming, mixed integer programming, (non-)convex optimization, network flow, approximation algorithms and schemes, and robust design and optimization. On the system side, I am comfortable interacting with network devices (switches, routers, APs), IoT platforms (Raspberry Pi), real-world network simulators/emulators (NS-3, Mininet), and blockchains (Bitcoin, Ethereum), besides numerous other networked systems and applications. My toolset is never static and constantly growing, with new candidates including statistical modeling and optimization, blackbox optimization, deep reinforcement learning, crypto analysis and provable security, and risk management. If your research requires any of these tools and you see potential collaborations, shoot me an email and I will respond the soonest I can.
PhD in Computer Science, Arizona State University, 2019
BS in Computer Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2013
- 2024 IEEE TNSE Excellent Editor Award
- 2024 IEEE INFOCOM Distinguished TPC Member
- 2022 IEEE INFOCOM Distinguished TPC Member
- 2021 NSF CAREER Award
- 2020 IEEE INFOCOM Distinguished TPC Member
- 2018 Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC)
- 2018 IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Finalists (9/309)
- 2017 IEEE EDGE Best Student Paper
Contact Me
- Office: 2403 Engineering Building III (EB3), 890 Oval Dr, Raleigh, NC 27606
- Phone: 919-515-7938
- Email: ryu5 [at] ncsu [dot] edu
- About email: I try my best to reply to emails in-time. But due to their large volume, I apologize that I will NOT be able to reply to ALL emails.
- For students, please see me during office hours or appointed times, or send me an email based on specific instructions I gave in class or on this website.